2020 NEWS
Titan Clean Energy Awarded ISC Bioplastics Challenge Phase 2
October, 2020
Titan is pleased to announce that the company passed the requirements to enter Phase 2 funding for the federal government’s Innovative Solutions Canada Challenge for Improved Compostability of Bioplastics.
The goal of this challenge is improved biodegradability of bio-based plastics derived from agricultural or wood-based biomass suitable for use as replacements for single use plastics such as food packaging.
Titan’s product passed the test for biodegradation during composting at a rate in line with international standards. Titan will be focusing efforts on creating single-use food packaging, including restaurant take-out containers and meat and vegetable grocery store packaging, particularly the shipment packaging between producer and grocery store.
President Jamie Bakos is excited to move into Phase 2 of this Challenge. “The market demand for compostable bioplastics is already huge” he said, “and will only grow as we move into sustainable food packaging and reform single-use plastics. We anticipate that our company will produce the world’s first carbon-negative bioplastic though this program and would like to thank ISC Canada and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for their initiative and support in leading sustainable innovation.”
Titan Joins Simon Fraser University's VentureLabs Business Accelerator
June 5, 2020
Titan was accepted into SFU's accelerator program this spring, and we look forward to working with the team to grow and expand our clean technology operations. Vancouver- based VentureLabs accelerates science, technology, and innovation-based companies that they consider to have winning value propositions and strong potential to scale up.
For more information on VentureLabs, visit venturelabs.ca
Titan Invited to join BioComposites Research Network (BioCRN)
May 4, 2020
Titan's Jamie Bakos was invited to speak at the inaugural BioCRN Research Day. Mr. Bakos spoke about Titan's research into biocomposites and compostable / biodegradable bioplastics.
We look forward to attend the next virtual research day in August 2020.
For more information please visit biocomposites.ca
Titan contracts with ReMAP Network
March 20, 2020
Titan is pleased to announce a three-year contract with the ReMAP Network. Remap funds, educates and collaborates to build supply chains that ready Canadian innovators for global commercialization.
We want to thank our partner, SaskPolytech for their contributions to the intellectual property and innovation around carbon biocomposites.
Titan Clean Energy exhibits at globe 2020
February 10-13, 2020
Titan Clean Energy joined the Prairie Biosciences Clean Technology Cluster in Vancouver in February. Titan received enormous interest in its clean technology projects and products and identified numerous business opportunities. We were also delighted to receive a visit from the Honourable Jonathon Wilkinson, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change.
Thanks to the team at Prairie Biosciences for all the hard work getting everything organised for this event.